Pierre Farahat

First of all, I would like to thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to participate in the Fukushima volunteering event, feeling very thankful and blessed.

I would like to share with you my thoughts about what I have experienced and seen in Fukushima. I was so proud to see that Caritas Japan and CVTC have done such great movement and support to Fukushima residents. It is a very clear message to the society that we can help and support our brothers and sisters without looking for an award or recognition.

From the little volunteering experience we have done (to clean up the land of an elderly couple). I could conclude that money is not the real problem over there.
I do believe the couple could financially afford to hire a company to perform the job, but the message we have sent “in my opinion” is as follows:
Yes, there are people who can help and support others (who don’t really know) for free. Yes, not every service in life has its price, it’s free and it comes from real love and good heart without looking for any recognition.
I could never forget the lovely and deep smile the couple had on their faces after seeing their land clean and ready, it was our priceless reward and so fulfilling our souls…
My first comment after completing the work was 神に感謝, we couldn’t have done it without his support and love to us!

This is the message from the Lord that we have applied:
“Beloved, let us love one another because love is of God; everyone who loves is begotten by God and knows God (I John 4,7)”

This is the message and mission I would like to continue giving and spread in the society as a Christian… We are the light of the world.

Thanks again and sorry for the long message.
God Bless
Pierre Farahat


Pierre Farahat (ピエール・ファラハート)

訳:杉原法子  ( )は訳者の補足説明です。